Cae Practice Tests Plus Download

Practice Tests Plus offer teachers all they need to prepare their students for the Cambridge English exams. Practice Tests Plus provide authentic practice, comprehensive guidance and strategies for dealing with each exam paper. DOWNLOAD depositfiles mediafire. Read Free Cae Practice Tests Plus Answer Key Cae Practice Tests Plus Answer Key Yeah, reviewing a book cae practice tests plus answer key could go to your close associates listings. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. As understood, skill does not suggest that you have fantastic points. CAE Practice Tests Plus New Edition is a revised set of tests for the December 2008 exam. SIX new practice tests in exam format - Audio CDs for students to practise listening at home - Full colour visual material for paper 5 and sample OMR answer sheets allowing students to become familiar with real exam conditions. Download CAE PRACTICE TESTS.pdf Free in pdf format. Account Search.COVID-19 Stats & Updates.Disclaimer: This website is not.

Exam Preparation Practice Tests Plus. Practice Tests Plus. Pearson Test of English: General. Cambridge English Qualifications. View the catalogue. The Practice Tests Plus series provides sets of complete tests at exam level and in exam format for KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS and Michigan ECPE and ECCE levels. Each book introduces students to exam formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to maximise their chances of excelling.

Teamviewer for mac os 10. 4. 11 ppc download. Try these practice tests for CAE Reading and Use of English.

CAE Practice Tests

Cae Practice Tests Plus 2 Audio Download

Paper 1 Use of English (See below for Reading)

Test 1 (of 4)

Paper 1 Use of English

Test 2 (of 4)

Get a printed version of each test for a record of your work.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Paper 1 Use of English

Test 3 (of 4)

Get a printed version of each test for a record of your work.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Paper 1 Use of English

Test 4 (of 4)

Get a printed version of each test for a record of your work.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Paper 1 Reading

Test 1 (of 2)

Test 2 (of 2)

  • Part 6 (Cross-Text Multiple Matching)

Get a printed version of each test for a record of your work.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8

Cae Practice Tests Plus With Key Download

Looking for more CAE Reading and Use of English practice tests?
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Print a copy of the test to read offline then use the interactive version to answer the questions.

If you score badly, don't worry! Try our grammar and vocabulary-building exercises in Spotlight Paper 1.

Go to our FREE Word Bank for daily vocabulary exercises to help you with the Use of English paper.

'This is a perfect navigator for those who have decided to take the CAE practice tests with very good results.'
Dessislava Manova, university student, Bulgaria.


PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English Academic) is an international computer-based English language test. It accurately measures English language ability and can be used to apply to educational institutions, and professional and government organizations. The test uses task-based questions to represent the kinds of functions and situations students will find themselves in during academic study.

Most real-life tasks in an academic setting involve using more than one language skill together, for example listening to a lecture and writing notes. PTE Academic reflects this through its 20 task types, each of which tests a combination of skills. For example, one task type asks you to demonstrate your understanding of a passage by providing a written summary, while another tests your understanding of a lecture by asking you to re tell the lecture.

The test is divided into three main parts and lasts for approximately three hours with an optional break of ten minutes:

Part I: Speaking and writing (77-93 minutes)

Part 2: Reading (32-41 minutes)

Part 3: Listening (45-57 minutes)


First, there is an introduction to the test and to the Practice Tests Plus book. This gives you information about the test itself, about taking the test, and about how you can use this book to help you prepare.

The main section of the book is the practice tests. There are four complete tests, all written by people who write the actual test. Test I provides a full page of information and strategies for each of the 20 task types. There is a tip for each question in Test I to help you get used to the task and how to approach it. Some tips refer directly to the content of the question and some give general guidance. In Test 2, there is one tip for each task type with a useful reminder of how to do the task. Then, in Tests 3 and 4, you’re on your own!

Finally, the with key version of the book includes the detailed answer key, audio scripts and sample answers from PTE Academic students along with explanations to help you see how your answers might score.


You will do the actual test on a computer at a Pearson test centre and when you complete a task, the next one will appear on the screen. You will hear the audio through your headphones and speak into the microphone on your headset. You will be able to take notes on an Erasable Noteboard Booklet, but you will type your answers into the computer.

Cae Practice Tests Plus Downloads

The practice tests in this book are paper-based and are designed to be used in class or for self study. The instructions on the page are exactly the same as those you will get in the actual test. This means you won’t have any surprises when you get to the test centre! However, because the instructions are for a digital format, they don’t tell you exactly what to do on paper. You will find some advice on this below.

You can see what the task will look like on screen in Test I, where you will find a screenshot for each task type in the About the task type section before the actual tasks. You will also find a grey ‘In the test’ box with a mouse cursor at the beginning of each task type in all four tests. This gives you a short description of the on-screen task.

Cae Practice Tests Plus 1 Audio Download


  • Test overview
  • Introduction
  • Practice test 1
  • Practice test 2
  • Practice test 3
  • Practice test 4
  • Score guide
  • Audio scripts
  • Answer key
  • Student answers test 1


Features include:

Cae Practice Tests Plus 1 Pdf Free Download

  • Essential exam practice from the test provider
  • Exam support including practical tips and guidance for each task
  • Model answers for spoken or written answers
  • Authentic student answers with commentary
  • Audio scripts for each practice test
  • Assessment guidelines
  • MP3 recordings for the listening and speaking tasks